
5 ISBNs for $200.

ISBN Registration | Self-Published Authors| In your email within 48 hours

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5 ISBNs for $200.

ISBN Registration | Self-Published Authors| In your email within 48 hours


How it works:

  1.  Place your order.
  2. Download the instruction sheets to fill out your book information at
  3. Your ISBN will be emailed to you within 24 – 48 hours.


What is an ISBN?

An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a distinct numerical identifier given to books and related products globally. This identifier plays a vital role for authors and publishers in the contemporary publishing world.

Why is an ISBN important?

For authors, an ISBN is essential as it marks their work as a unique product in the market. It facilitates better marketing, precise sales tracking, and improved discoverability of their books by readers, libraries, and retailers. Additionally, an ISBN connects authors’ works to extensive book databases, making it simpler for potential readers to locate and purchase their books.

Why do I need multiple ISBNs for one book?

Each edition or format of a book needs its own unique ISBN. This ensures that each version of a publication is easily recognized and tracked in the international book market. Whenever significant changes are made to a book’s content—such as text revisions or new formats like hardcover, paperback, eBook, or audiobook—a new ISBN must be assigned. This differentiation helps maintain the integrity of databases, bookstores, and distribution channels.

Which company will be listed as the publisher?

When you purchase your ISBN through us, the publisher’s name listed on platforms like Bookwire will be “Coal Under Pressure, LLC.” This listing is purely for administrative purposes and does not imply any claims to rights or royalties on your work.

Will I keep 100% of my royalties?

Yes, you retain 100% of your royalties and copyrights when you acquire an ISBN from us. This approach ensures that authors have full control over their publishing journey without us taking any share of royalties or copyrights.

Are there any recurring costs for an ISBN?

Purchasing an ISBN is a one-time expense without any recurring fees or expiration date. Once you have your ISBN, no additional payments are necessary.

What information is required to get an ISBN?

While no specific information is needed to obtain an ISBN, listing your book on Bowker Bookwire requires certain details: title, medium, format, primary genre, contributor type (individual or organization), contributor name, contributor role, publication date, title status, target audience, and either specific price details or a set fixed price. Ensure you have these details ready for submission.

Can I use this ISBN with KDP, Lulu, or other publishing platforms?

Yes, our ISBNs can be used on multiple platforms, including Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Lulu, Barnes & Noble, and more. There are no restrictions on the use of these ISBNs across different publishing services.


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